With an analysis of real-world hero cases of Fortune500 companies and more.
It’s no longer enough to build, buy, partner, or invest with just one venture. Developing a portfolio of ventures spreads the risk and increases the probability of success of your entire venturing efforts. We’ve compiled a list of 7 common venturing strategies and concrete examples of how these are being applied in the real world.
It’s no longer enough to build, buy, partner, or invest with just one venture. Developing a portfolio of ventures spreads the risk and increases the probability of success of your entire venturing efforts. We’ve compiled a list of 7 common venturing strategies and concrete examples of how these are being applied in the real world.
Each strategy is being used as a base and adapted to the corporate’s needs and availability of resources.
Major global corporations have ramped up their investments in building their own venturing units in recent years.
A venturing unit is in itself a brand and early players have a greater chance of attracting top startups in the future.
By being active players in the startup world, corporations are able to take advantage of industry disruptors instead of fighting the tide.