Roundtable Insights: How to Unlock Corporate Assets to Boost Venture Portfolio Growth

Top corporate entrepreneurs share their insights and strategies on formalising access to valuable corporate assets.

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Roundtable Insights: How to Unlock Corporate Assets to Boost Venture Portfolio Growth

What is it for?

Tap into the power of the crowd, by getting the insights and strategies shared by the world's top corporate entrepreneurs during the bi-weekly Venture Club roundtable. This session sought an answer for how to gain and formalise access to corporate assets that support the long-term success of the a venture portfolio.

What's inside:

  • How asset-focused accelerators can create revenue by tapping into an external startup network.
  • Ideas on accessing the corporate resources you need to penetrate new markets effectively.
  • Ways to engage internal stakeholders to broaden the scope of available assets.
  • Insights into how fellow innovators present asset-driven opportunities to gain board of director support. 

What you can expect.

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Key learnings.


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Roundtable Insights: How to Unlock Corporate Assets to Boost Venture Portfolio Growth

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