A list of essential statistics to help you better understand how Corporate Venturing is evolving, why it's becoming increasingly important, and the latest trends shaping the landscape in 2024.
2. 58% of surveyed business leaders ranked venture building as a top priority for new revenue generation (beating restructuring and capital structure changes)
4. 37% of respondents also had venture-building operations, creating ventures from scratch – either internally or with the help of an external venture studio.
8. 60% of surveyed CVCs are over four years old, with 43% in the 4-6 year expansion stage. Indicating increased resilience and importance to their parent companies.
10. 76% of surveyed corporates reported engaging in corporate venturing to generate new revenue streams, 40% seek to cultivate an innovation culture, and 12% aim to accelerate their digital transformation.
12. Almost two-thirds of surveyed investors say it would be advantageous for corporates to increase their investment in new-business building over the next year.
14. 85% of corporations report leadership commitment as a top factor in venture-building success, 54% cited a capable team, 23% cited effective governance, and 12% cited leveraging their unfair advantage.
20. 92% of surveyed companies have an Open Innovation unit, of these, 46% are led by a dedicated C-level executive, 46% report one level below top management, and 8% have two or more levels of separation from the C-suite.